Dean’s message
Logisticians are missioned to help improve industrial efficiency and effectiveness, especially as our increasingly global challenges calling for logistics strategies and solutions.
The Faculty aims to provide a contemporary curriculum and stimulating learning environment for educating well-rounded logisticians with specialty expertise critical at the present time and beyond. Students enter our program with a distinguished set of skills and talents, intellectual curiosity, and capabilities to contribute to the community. Over the course of our academic and training programs, students acquire a special blend of professional knowledge, analytic and leadership skills with a practical and entrepreneurial focus so that they may become globally competitive future leaders in the field of logistics and supply chain management.
For over 20 years, the Faculty of Logistics has made key contributions to the development of Thai industry and it continues to uphold this incredible legacy.
I invite you to learn more about us.
Pairoj Raothanachonkun
Dean, Faculty of Logistics
Board of Directors
นายวิรัช คารวะพิทยากุล
ศาสตราจารย์ (พิเศษ) ประมวล จันทร์ชีวะ
นายสมบูรณ์ ตรีพรเจริญ
นายวีรชาติ พุทธรักษา
นายธีรินทร์ ธัญญวัฒนกุล
ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.ไพโรจน์ เร้าธนชลกุล